Welcome to
clever egg
We bring the working world and young people together. We carefully craft programmes for a lasting, positive impact on the young people and organisations we work with.

We design, develop and deliver programmes that help businesses:

Engage communities

Upskill young people

Attract young talent

Support staff development

Tell us about your ambitions and how we can help.
Email caroline@cleveregg.co.uk
Engaging with young people from underrepresented groups
We work with the RTPI to encourage underrepresented groups of young people into careers in Chartered Town Planning. In 2022 we are placing 100 young people from underrepresented groups on work experience placements with host organisations.
So far, 97% of students said their placement was good or excellent. 93% said they would now consider a career in planning.

What we do

Volunteering and mentoring opportunities
Employees like working for organisations that support their development and make a positive contribution in their communities.
We worked with the Institute of Civil Engineers and also Young Lives vs Cancer to support both organisations training their in-house volunteers and mentors. We did this using a blended learning approach and a bespoke remote learning package.
"clever egg's expertise was fundamental in creating the shape of an overall learning experience for future services volunteers at Young Lives vs Cancer…All developed within the scope of our organisation’s brand identity and meeting the learning needs of our future volunteers."
Lauren, Young Lives Vs Cancer

Face-to-face and virtual engagement events
Live events are powerful ways to inspire and engage and have an immeasurable feel-good factor! We created a series of events (including an escape room) for Norfolk County Council, designed to develop the employability skills of NEET young people, both virtual and face-to-face. For Change in a Box, a social action resource, we created engaging activities and facilitator guidance.
"Throughout the events all the young people seemed motivated and interested in the sessions they were participating in, and this is largely due to the creativity and enthusiasm of all the clever egg team."
Fiona, Norfolk County Council

Content creation, video, print and digital
We work with subject experts and learning designers to develop bespoke resources. We worked with Change in a Box, as well as Young Lives vs Cancer and also the RTPI, to develop video, print and digital resources.
"clever egg produced something fresh, flexible, and impactful. The resources were perfectly pitched to match our brand and sat well alongside existing materials."
Change in a Box

Looking for something else? There’s so much more to clever egg! Tell us what you’d like to achieve and how we can help.
Email caroline@cleveregg.co.uk

Behind clever egg
Caroline Cutler
Outreach Specialist
Caroline is an experienced Programme Director, who specialises in producing high-quality experiential learning programmes, paid for by businesses and free to users.
She has overseen numerous educational, employability skills and training projects for clients of all sizes, across many industries. She has grown fledgling ideas into award-winning education programmes with clients such as Google, Unilever, Deloitte and TfL.
Caroline began her career as an English Teacher. She has a PGCE and a Masters in Education and Social Research. She has a fantastic variety of hand gestures.

The wider team
We are an agile consultancy with the capacity to expand to suit the brief. Our team is a beautiful mixed bag of trusted and experienced facilitators, actors, designers, writers, researchers and advisors who we partner with for each unique project.
This experienced team give us the insights and skills we need to connect with diverse audiences through a range of media.